Church Constitution
Of the Calvary Bible Church
Manzanita, Oregon
Reposing our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, believing in the teaching and the practices of New Testament Christians and those great distinctive principles for which they have ever stood, namely:
The Lordship of Jesus Christ;
The Bible, the standard of faith and practice;
Regenerated membership;
Progressive sanctification;
Congregational government;
Separation of church and state.
We therefore band ourselves together as a body of believers in Jesus Christ and adopt, ordain and establish for our government and plan of worship service the following Declaration of Faith, Covenant, Constitution and By-Laws (we hereby revoke all previous Constitutions and Bylaws and action contrary to this Constitution, By-Laws, and Standing Rules)
Article 1. Name
The name of this organization, a corporation, shall be the Calvary Bible Church of Manzanita, Oregon.
Article 2. Object
The object of this organization shall be to promote:
The preaching of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in order to win people to a personal faith in Him as Savior.
To provide for the worship of God, the preaching and teaching of the Word of God, to administer the ordinances of the New Testament, to seek the spiritual improvement of our members, to maintain a Bible Church to minister to its own community, and to extend a ministry of the gospel unto all the earth.
Article 3. Membership
The membership of this church shall consist of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, who acknowledge substantial agreement with the faith, practice, and covenant of this church, and have been received into the fellowship by a regular action of the church.
Article 4. Officers
The (Scriptural) officers of this church are Pastor, Elder, Deacon, and Deaconess. The By-Laws shall determine their election, term, and succession. The church shall elect and appoint to the various forms of service indicated by their titles and as defined in the By-Laws such other officers as are deemed advisable.
Article 5. Meetings
Meetings for worship, prayer, praise, fellowship, business, and special purposes shall be held as set forth in the By-Laws.
Article 6. Relationships
Believing in the sovereignty of the local church as an autonomous body of believers under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, this church by official action shall determine the maintaining of fraternal fellowship and cooperation with churches of like faith and practice. To such groups this church may send statistical reports and may be represented in their meetings. No financial support is to be given to a work or workers whose doctrinal position is not in keeping with the preamble of this Constitution.
Article 7. Amendments
This constitution, other than the Doctrinal Statement, may be amended by a three-fourths vote of members present and voting at any business meeting provided such amendments have been submitted in writing at a previous quarterly meeting, and in agreement with the requirements for a quorum as stated in the By-Laws.